Wednesday, January 11, 2012

my day off

My day off was so great. I had forgotten what stay at home wife life was like. I slept in and went for a little jog about the ditch roads in the sunshine. I have missed the sunshine. And jogging. I even brought little Coco Chanel kitty out to play and frolic around in our frozen garden. I love my kitty. I even made my husband lunch. Love that man.

Also I love my new iphone. I am amazed by it's every function. And istagram. Which possessed me to take a pictures of myself in the car like I haven't done since I was 16. Ohhh yeah. Me in the hondaaaa.

I went to visit my sisser. Good thing too, because she hasn't quite gotten the hang of being a kitty owner yet, and she had given hers a bath. The poor soaked thing was hiding under the bed. I lured her out and Chels and I blow dryed her back to fuzzy perfection. Don't worry Chels. I gotcho back.

Theennn I got home and made dinner and a PIE of the lemon meringue sort. For Brenda, my beloved mother in law. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA!!!


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