I am not going to continue with regular monthly updates for Lou, but there have been so many great things happening as of late! One, she weaned herself. I never intentionally weaned her, she just dropped feedings gradually until at her year birthday we were down to one, and then only some days, and then none at all. I didn't realize how inconvenient it was to plan what to wear around easy access to the boobs, but now I am free to wear whatever back zip peplum number I please. No more dragging pumped bottles along on road trips and nursing in dressing room stalls while shopping. I am ok with this! Also isn't the word weaned just the worst? If she is happy to be done, I am happy she is done. Two, we got her acid reflux under control. She is on a new med that is helping so much! She eats better and is a much happier girl- no more waking up EVERY HOUR all sad and mommy needing. Both of these factors, and along with Elsie's pediatrician assuring me that it's ok to let the little bug cry, we sleep trained. I wrote up a plan of the nighttime routine and what we would do each night. We do the routine, and lay her down, and leave to let her sooth herself. The first night she cried for 30 agonizing minutes. I cried. It was horrible. She, however, adjusted very quickly, and here we are night 4 only, and I lay her down and there are no tears whatsoever, and she sleeps in far greater chunks than she ever has before. I some thought with my whole heart that I would never ever let her cry to sleep, but at it was actually doing her a disservice. Self soothing is invaluable, as is both her sleep and my own!!! I think she was really ready for it, too.
Elsie walks all over the last few days! I honestly think it has to do with her better sleep and having more energy. It never gets old to see those little feet toddling over to me!! She is just the sweetest girl- very affectionate. At her last play date she wasn't as interested in the play ground as she was feeding her little friend and trying to give her kisses. She gives me lots of hugs, complete with back pats! We are teaching her to blow kisses and she does many darling variations- none of them spot on but all super cute. Sometimes I blow her kisses and she pretends to eat them.
Little girl loves to be outside, so we try to go play everyday. She likes to pick and sniff flowers and watch our new dog max play fetch.
She is obsessed with the little easy peel oranges and blueberries. She can eat three oranges in a sitting and wants more!! I am astounded at how much she can eat. Her love for books and story time is still full force, we read before sleep, when she wakes up, and when she brings books over to me and I can't resist. She loves her stuffed animal panda and sleeps with it every night. She has three sleep musts- her blankey, her bink and her bear. She only gets them at sleep time so it makes them extra soothing : )
Speaking of sleep... when she is napping and after she goes down I have found a new little hobby! I have always had an interest in sewing but haven't had the patience to really sit down and make something worth while until now. I knew I wanted to make her a dress, and it has just snowballed into pouring over fabric and looking at how different pieces are made while I fold the laundry. I have made Lou three dresses, and I have no interest in slowing down. Although we might have to cool it with the dresses- their aren't enough Sundays for this girl to wear all of them.
I used my best momtography skills to get a 13 month shot of her in two of them. She is so fun to take pictures of at this age because she is so smiley and lovey.
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